The Good Life Community Garden is a community space for people from all walks of life to come and enjoy the peace and productivity that makes gardening one of the few affordable pleasures in our society that enables us to  s-l-o-w  down.

We have spaces to sit and enjoy the birds and butterflies, cooking facilities to make pizzas, fruit trees to nurture and community beds for those who want to share their bounty with others.

The Good Life Community Garden is a 2600m2 garden built on land owned by Living Water Anglican Church and the Diocese of Bunbury. The garden is built around permaculture principles and grows vegetables, fruit and herbs for participants to take home or donate to sell through our on site  Community Store. We also raise chickens for egg production, rabbits and fish for meat, worms for healthy soil and ducks for snail control. The day to day activities are looked after by a Garden Committee, but people who lease beds are encouraged to contribute ideas to the running of the garden.

There are many jobs to do in a garden ranging from the obvious such as planting, weeding, watering, pest control, harvesting and using the produce, to the more technical tasks such as irrigation maintenance, construction projects, compost and vermiculture production systems, working with students and animal feeding and care. The best way to find a fit is to chat with one of our present volunteers and work out where your interests and our needs intersect. We don’t want anyone to feel like they are doing a job when they work at the garden, but rather to have a sense of joy that today is a garden day!!

There is no time requirement - you give as little or as much as you would like to commit.

More information about the garden rules and how to lease a garden bed are on this page.


In order to find out more / participate in The Good Life Community Garden, you can download and complete this document, which contains:

  • Good Life Community Garden Rules and Guidelines
  • The Application Form
  • The Contract Form

And/or contact the church office here

Check out our Facebook Page