‘… the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.’ 2Tim2:2

Albany Ministry Training (AMT) is a non-denominational Christian training initiative based at Living Water Anglican Church in Albany, Western Australia. 

Jesus said… ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Matt 9:37-38

Beginning in 2025, as a pilot year, AMT will  work in partnership with both Eastern College Australia (RTO 22065) under the auspices of Melbourne School of Theology, as well as the Great Southern Training Hub based in Albany, to deliver the VET accredited Diploma in Christian Ministry & Theology (11238NAT).  

Units of Study: 

Jesus and His Teachings: Apply advanced knowledge of the Bible

Worldviews & World Religions: Compare Worldviews and World Religions

Practices of Christian Communities: Compare and explain Christian beliefs and practices

Walking by the Spirit: Explain and discuss the person and work of the Holy Spirit 

Caring for Self: Develop Self-Awareness  & Develop and Implement self-care strategies in ministry

Teaching Scripture: Prepare and preach a sermon &  Research Christian Scripture and Theology 

Growing in Leadership: Provide Leadership in a Christian Organisation 

The Story of the Church: Develop and apply knowledge of Church History 


Primary Trainers

Revd. Shane Marques is an Anglican Minister and has been the Senior Minister of Living Water Anglican Church since 2014. Shane was ordained in 2008 and is originally from South Africa where he gained 10 years experience pastoring youth, young adults and families. He has a BTh from George Whitefield College, Cape Town. Shane's theolgoical interests lie in synthesising Biblical, Systematic and Historical theology in order to faithfully reach and disciple this present generation with the life transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Richard Goetz is an Anglican Ordination Candidate and the Church Administrator at Living Water Anglican Church, in Albany, WA.  Dr. Goetz also teaches secondary Religion and Life courses at Australian Christian College Southlands in Albany.  He is an American who comes to Albany and Living Water after twelve years of seminary teaching in Singapore where he taught theology, church history, apologetics, ethics and practical theology.  Dr. Goetz earned his PhD in theology from Marquette University and his MA in theology from Wheaton College Graduate School, both in the US.  In addition to his graduate degrees and teaching experience, Dr. Goetz also has thirteen years of pastoral experience as youth pastor, discipleship pastor and church plant lead pastor.  Dr. Goetz teaches from both a solid academic background and a wealth of practical ministry experience and is excited to be part of Albany Ministry Training for this coming year.


How can I enrol?
Please complete an Expression of Interest form at this link.


Prerequisites: None


Lecture Venue:
Lectures take place at Living Water Anglican Church on Thursdays from 8.30 till 3.30pm.
Students may also participate remotely via livestream.


Important 2025 Dates:
·      Sunday 2nd Feb: Orientation commences with prayer and commissioning at Living Water Anglican Church, 5pm service,

 Tuesday evening. 4th Feb, 7 - 8.30pm Orientation Session at at Living Water Anglican Church..

·      Semester 1
First Quarter: Start: 6 Feb to 10 April
Study Week (no lectures on 17 April) 
Second Quarter: 24 April to 3 July
Mid year Break 
·      Semester 2
Third Quarter:  24 July to 25 September 
Study Week (no lectures on 2 October)
Fourth Quarter:  9 October 4 December
Graduation event date to be announced.


Fees 2025
Diploma in Christian Ministry and Theology
Total Fee: $3680.00
Payment Structure:
Initial payment of $680.00 is payable upon confirmation of successful enrolment. 
Followed by 4 quarterly payments of $750.00 each.
Term1 payment due on 27th Feb 2025

Term 2 payment due on 14th May 2025

Term 3 payment due on 6th August 2025

Term 4 payment due on 29 October 2025

[There is a 5% discount available for total fees paid up front before 31 January 2025]

Enrolments Administrator: Anne Pinchen admin@lwac.org.au


If you'd like to find out about the Internship Programme that also runs at Living Water, please click here