This term, the Nicholson life-group will be hosting Pete Greig's 'The Prayer Course' at the church building every Thursday night. An eight week journey through the Lord's Prayer.
What will happen? Come along at 6pm to grab a cuppa and find somewhere to sit at a table (you're also welcome to bring your dinner to eat during the session!) We'll watch the video, do a few short discussions & exercises and be finished by 8pm.
During the term we'll have a break on the week of Pressing In (our prayer & worship evening) to give us all an opportunity to practice what we're learning.
Why Pray?
Unanswered Prayer
Spiritual Warfare
Prayer is simply communication with God - and communication is as vital in this relationship as it is in any other. This is such a great, practical, demystifying course; we'd love to have you join us. Come as a lifegroup, as an individual or with a friend - everyone is welcome!
Begins Thursday 15th February, Living Water Anglican Church, 6-8pm. Please register using the button below.