Lent is about ‘stretching’ – lengthening spiritually – it’s a time in the year, as we prepare for Easter, where the focus is on our hearts before the Lord and his will for Christlikeness in our lives. It’s a time for reflection, repentance and considering others before ourselves- especially those in need.
This year we are beginning Lent with a Pressing In Service on Ash Wednesday. It will be a special time of worship & prayer focussing on repentance and rededication to the Lord. We do this each year in the beginning of Lent because we recognise that it is sin that grieves the Spirit in our lives and hinders us from living in the fullness of God’s love and grace. Times of reflection, followed by repentance and rededication give us an opportunity to ‘reset’ our hearts before the Lord, affirm our faith in his transforming love in Jesus, and recommit our lives to his service and for his glory.
Repentance & Rededication
Wednesday 14th February 6.30-8pm